peñaranda de duero, Spain

peñaranda de duero, Spain

peñaranda de duero Spain

Its lands were populated by Arévacos and Vascones. In the 10th century it was reconquered from the Muslims and its castle served as a border with the Muslim armies on the other side of the Douro River. In the 11th century it is mentioned as part of the district of Clunia. Subsequently, it will be part of the San Esteban de Gormaz stadium. The lords of the town were successively the Infante Don Pedro, son of Sancho IV, and his wife, María de Aragón, to pass during the reign of Alfonso XI into the hands of the House of Avellaneda. After the marriage of Aldonza de Avellaneda to Diego López de Zúñiga in the fifteenth century, which united the two lineages, their descendants held the title of Dukes of Peñaranda.1 This is how Peñaranda de Duero is described in volume XII of the Geographical-Statistical-Historical Dictionary of Spain and its Overseas Possessions, a work promoted by Pascual Madoz in the mid-nineteenth century
Recommended airport
Burgos Airport (RGS)
Points of interest
  • Peñaranda de Duero
Nearby destinations
  • Aranda de Duero a 17.69 km
  • Santo Domingo de Silos a 31.21 km
  • Lerma a 43.87 km