Discovering Portugal: From History to the Atlantic Coast
Preu per persona des de 611 €

Lisbon & Centre of Portugal

Des de
611 €
Preu per persona
Des de
611 €
preu per persona


Portugal opens its doors to us on an unforgettable journey through its landscapes and cities full of history, spirituality and natural beauty. From vibrant Lisbon, with its cosmopolitan character and enchanting viewpoints, we will head to the elegant Estoril, known for its aristocratic air and captivating coastline. We will continue to Fatima, a center of pilgrimage and recollection, before admiring the strength of the Atlantic in Nazaré, land of fishermen and legendary waves. We will discover the medieval magic of Óbidos, with its cobbled streets and centuries-old walls, and explore the imposing Gothic buildings of Batalha and Alcobaça, a reflection of the historical grandeur of Portugal.

Every day we will immerse ourselves in the Portuguese essence, among palaces, monasteries and breathtaking landscapes. Gastronomy will also be a fundamental part of our journey, with authentic flavors that will connect us even more with the local culture.


Idiomes del guia


Punt de trobada

Dia 1: Lisboa
Dia 2: Lisboa, Estoril
Dia 3: Estoril, Fàtima, Nazaré
Dia 4: Nazaré, Obidos, Batalla, Alcobaça
Dia 5: Alcobaça, Lisboa
  • Alojamiento en régimen de media pensión que incluye desayuno y cena.
  • Chofer/guía en coche de alquiler durante toda la ruta, que les recibirá en el punto de encuentro escogido (aeropuerto o estación de tren).
  • Actividades guiadas y visitas culturales mencionadas en el itinerario.
  • Almuerzos (pago directo).
  • Gastos personales.
  • Tasas turísticas.
  • Todo lo que no esté indicado como incluido.

Possibles allotjaments

6 allotjaments